This week, I’m recommending a fun and useful book. “Pact with the Devil” (original title: Pacto con el diablo) is one of those non-fiction books that can surprise us. The author, Isadora Puiggené, has spent her whole life working in production and media through her agency Andando Producciones, while also working on TV shows and series for major streaming platforms. All this experience has given her access to numerous figures in both music and acting worlds, allowing her to see firsthand how they live and take care of themselves. She’s married to one of the most renowned Spanish DJs. and rock, film, and writing have been lifelong companions for her. This is where the inspiration for this practical book comes from, in which she has thrown herself into for many years with enthusiasm, passion, and curiosity about the lifestyle of the world’s youngest octogenarian: the great Mick Jagger.

Those days are long gone when Mick Jagger used to hold a cigarette between while sipping on a drink. For the past quarter-century, the Stones’ frontman has maintained a disciplined and healthy lifestyle that allows him to be the youngest 80-year-old in the world.

You might be wondering: “Where do I have to sign up?”. But there’s a more useful question to ask yourself: “What are his secrets to reaching his age in such great health, full of energy and zest for life?”. This book reveals them all, along with countless details and anecdotes about how Mick Jagger prepares to stay in such enviable shape, enabling him to embark on international tours, shaking his hips on stage with the energy and vitality of a teenager.

Find out how to bring the energy of a rockstar to your own everyday life.

Now, I know many of you might be thinking: “We already know Mick Jagger’s habits are extreme, and not everyone can follow them”. That’s precisely why I encourage you to give this book a chance. Sure, a lot has been said—some of it true—but there’s plenty more that seems obvious in our daily lives, yet we don’t apply it. Why not? It’s easier to focus on what we can’t do rather than what we can do, staying in our comfort zones by telling ourselves, “I can’t do that” or “that’s out of my reach”. But if you read this book, you’ll be surprised at what is within our grasp. So, I invite you to flip the script and discover the curiosities, and the ones we can actually copy, to reach 80 in good health and in the rhythm of rock.