Soup is home. Sopa is grandmother (and grandfather). Soup is love. Soup is nostalgia. Soups evoke the everyday moments, without flowering, simple, calm and humble. They are not ostentatious, they are not shown, they go unnoticed, but they build the reminiscent honor of this function, the book gathers author’s soups and anonymous soups, soups from here and there. Soups, such as bread, which are prepared as the daily solution of the most humble households, or succulent squires on the farmer. Ada Parellada (Barcelona, 1966) is a cook and owner of the restaurant Semproniana of Barcelona for 30 years, daughter of affiliates (Honda Europa) and sister of Ramon Parellada. She is very active in the media and in the networks. She has participated in the programs Colorsen series, Mushroom Hunters, Welcome to the Horse and What I do today for dinner and has 38.7K on Instagram and 11.525 on Twitter. He enjoys sharing his knowledge through teaching and talks and workshops to improve household eating habits.