
What is bad kindness?

We all have read books about toxic people, how to avoid them and how they can affect our relationships. However, little is said about good people, which is what Xavier Guix does in this psychology manual: El problema de ser demasiado [...]

14 de March de 2024|

Do you know who you are?

Blogging about a work by Francesc Miralles is not a novelty for me because, fortunately, he is a writer that publishers demand and who is asked to write about different subjects, and although he is already a prestigious writer recognised [...]

28 de February de 2024|

We all are geniuses

The GENIOTYPE method, which helps to know the innate talent in each one of us, has helped several people from different fields. It is a very useful tool to find confidence in yourself and to focus on what you may [...]

8 de February de 2024|

Autumn song

We know that the romance genre is in fashion, that we have been discovering new voices within this genre that pleasantly surprise us for months now and, from our agency, we are delighted to introduce you to Sarah Mey and [...]

25 de January de 2024|
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