Writer and creative advisor. Although I consider myself as a multifaceted author, able to swim in the frenetic waters of short stories and playing in the kid’s literature gardens, I consider myself a novelist.
I am the author of The Sealed Room, an innovator creative method that combines the traditional narrative techniques with neuroscience and many psychology branches – DISC Theory, Coaching, Neurolinguistics programming, eriksonian language, multiple intelligences… –, the point of which is help people with different ages and professional fields to develop and of their make the most of their creatives capacities. Until this day, I have accompanied literature professionals, audiovisual creators, teachers, manager of big companies and little SMEs in their projects.
As a restless mind, I have wandered lots of worlds even television, in which I was the host of the sixth and seventh seasons of Mitad Invisible, a cultural program of La2 channel of TVE. I have also taught lectures in organizations like TEDxTalks, Cervantes Institute, Spanish Institute of Lisboa, CajaCanarias Fundation…
I adore to invent books. I am also passionate about helping others create them. My last project as a creative and editorial a consultant: “The world by motobike with Charly Sinewan” (GeoPlaneta). My first audio-series (Storytel Original): “Sublimation”. My last novel “Sublimation” (Ediciones B). My biggest goal long term: every year in a different creative challenge.