BEA CABEZAS (Barcelona, 1976) has a degree in Journalism. She has completed her literary training linked to the world of theater at the Sala Beckett and with the courses of the Obrador Internacional de Dramaturgia. In 2008 she published her first novel, El monestir de les ombres (Ara Libros). The second work, La ciutat vertical (Columna), about New York in the early twentieth century, won the Carlemany Prize in 2010. Three years later, she published her third book, Emprenyades (Columna), where she shows with humor the different faces of motherhood. In 2017, came her fourth publication La nit abans (Rosa dels Vents), where she explains the beginnings of a journalist during the Franco regime. These last two books have also been published in Spanish such as Embarazadas alteradas (Espasa Calpe) and La noche antes (Suma de letras).