Anne Igartiburu, who has been a communicator for over 25 years, is one of the most beloved and recognized television presenters in our country, with over 7000 live shows at her back.
During the last few years, she has carried out a beautiful work of dissemination in the emotional wellbeing field, one of her great passions where she has been trained with some of the best professionals in the field.
She does live meetings through different broadcasting channels, such as Instagram, YouTube and her Podcast “Mi Latido de Más”, granting her the recognition of her community of followers and the professionals with whom she shares talks about psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience and philosophy, with the clear objective of bringing the different ways of Self-Knowledge and vital coherence.
An eternal learner, Anne searches, investigates and shares her learnings from curiosity and gratitude, applying her gifts of closeness and present listening.