Anna Crusafont was born in Sabadell (Spain) in 1937. She has a degree in Pharmacy and on in Catalan. She has taken part in a few narrative workshops at the Ateneu Barcelonès, and has written for newspapers and magazines in Sabadell.
She had participated in several short story compilations when, in 2003, her first novel Venim de fa milions i milions d’anys (We Go Millions and Millions of Years Back) was published by Abadia de Montserrat. A year later, Editorial Montflorit published Fets pols (Wrecked), which was followed by Rellotge d’arena (Hourglass) in 2007 and Isola Bella (An Island of Beauty, Columna) in 2009. Ed. Gregal has already acquired the rights for her last novel, Quadres d’una exposició, which will be released soon.