Adrià Aguacil Portillo (Sabadell, 2000) has been writing since he was six years old. He began to study Audiovisual Communication, but he then opted for Literature and since 2019 he has been studying Literary Studies at the University of Barcelona. He has won several short story prizes such as the Concurs Joan Oliver (2017 and 2018) and the Premi Mercè Blanch (2018). In 2020 hewon the Premi Ciutat de Badalona de Narrativa Juvenil with the novel La botiga de vides, published by Animallibres (Bromera) and subsequently nominated for the Premi Llibreter 2021, in the category of Children’s and Young Adult Literature in Catalan. In September 2022 Animallibres will also publish La guerra dels tions. He has also been a member of the jury for the Concurs Joan Oliver in 2021.
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