“Fortunately, more and more health professionals are getting involved in the climacteric period, treating it with rigour and accompaniment. I believe that this accompaniment is very necessary to help many women reconnect with joy, happiness and pleasure, recovering energy and the desire to live more connected with themselves. Knowing what is happening to you will make things easier. Knowing that what is happening to you is intrinsic to being a woman, and knowing that similar things happen to men, is a relief. Marián Rojas Estapé says that ‘to know is to relieve’.

It is very clear to me that not telling what is happening to us, pretending not to notice it and keeping it all bottled up, takes away more energy than you think it gives you. If you are already having symptoms and on top of that you keep up the façade thinking that if you stop doing it you will be less desirable, less employable, less sexual, less aesthetic, less ‘whatever’ you are projecting yourself into, you are wasting energy. A lot of energy that you need to grow, flow, renew and enjoy living in this new stage of your life.

The model of the beautiful, energetic, desirable woman who always looks good, to which society pushes you to cling, is an exhausting model of womanhood. I’ll change it for a kinder, more coherent one, which goes much further than stopping dyeing your hair, since continuing to dye it is also an option if for you it makes you feel good and is kind to your gaze in the mirror. As long as you don’t forget to look inward, it’s all good. It’s about knowing how to become a healthy, serene… powerful woman’.