When I was introduced to Mariposa, by Marc Majewski, I knew I had a very special work in my hands. Not only because it is beautiful to look at, but also because of the wonderful message it carries in its story.

Well, it’s not just me, because this picture book has won the XV Premi Llibreter. The booksellers’ union says that “it is an exercise of great artistic and narrative quality at the service of emotion. Text and image merge to give meaning to a small masterpiece that lovingly illustrates the ability of a father, through small gestures, to open his child up to life.”

The greatest charm of this story lies in its starring character, who with much grace and determination makes an ingenious butterfly costume for himself. When the other children ruin his precious wings and antennae, it is the father who comforts, encourages, and helps his son to start over. And like all stories, it has a moral that enchants us: it doesn’t matter if someone wants to break your wings; you can always rebuild them with the help of those who love you.

From the agency, we want to congratulate the author, HARPER, and Ekare, all involved in this success, for their well-done work and intuition.